DRC Tour

Tour Overview

2 Days

Mount Nyiragongo

Join us for a hike to the world's largest lava lake

Mountain Nyiragongo which is also known as the gorilla highlands is the hottest mountaineering destination of central Africa.
The main crater is about two kilometres wide and usually contains a lava lake. The crater presently has two distinct cooled lava benches within the crater walls – one at about 3,175 metres (10,417 ft) and a lower one at about 2,975 m (9,760 ft).Nyiragongo and nearby Nyamuragira are together responsible for 40% of Africa’s historical volcanic eruptions.Hike will take 6 hours with 3 stops along the path, when at the top, cabins are available for your night, a cabin can be occupied by 2 people.

2 Days

Tchegera Island

From the Tchegera camp you'll get fantastic views of the Kivu lake, Goma and the four active volcanoes in the background.

For a stay of two days, it’s the perfect opportunity to relax for a couple of days after the Nyiragongo hike. This island is just a beauty surrounded by nature! During most nights, the sky even turns red from the glowing lava lakes of the Nyiragongo and the Nyamulagira volcanoes.
2 Days

Virunga National Park

The Virunga National Park is the oldest and most diverse National Park in Africa and was founded more than 125 years ago by the Belgian King Albert I.Today is the safe haven for the mountain gorilla, the chimpanzee and a great variety of other wild- and birdlife.

The Park abounds with breathtaking sights – dense jungles, vast bubbling lava lakes, wide savannah plains and glacier-clad mountains. For those seeking to encounter exceptional wildlife and landscapes, Virunga offers an unparalleled experience.

2 Days


Get to explore Sub-Saharan Africa's second-largest city. Kinshasa is a city you experience rather than visit.

A bustling city under renovation, with remnants of colonial architecture amid the new structures. It is one of the busiest ports on the Congo River, and is full of music and art, with street vendors on every busy street, and an irrepressible energy to explore.